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San Juan County Mining Heritage Museum

(970) 387-5838| PO Box 154 Courthouse Square, Silverton, Colorado 81433| Website
Learn about our history

Just next to the San Juan County Courthouse on Greene Street in Silverton is the site of the San Juan County Historical Society’s Mining Heritage Center, one of the finest mining museums in North America. This 3-story, 14,000 sq. ft. complex houses a newly restored 1902 county jail, the Historical Society Archives building, and the Mining Heritage Center Museum, which is housed in the reconstructed Caledonian Boarding House, a huge timbered addition.

The Museum interprets the local mining history with comprehensive “Environmental Exhibits”, including realistic underground tunnels and machinery and numerous artifacts from Silverton’s colorful past. 

Open daily 10am-5pm the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through the end of September, then from 10am-3pm through the second Sunday in October.   Ask about the Heritage Pass. 970-387-5838 or